N-am avut încă timp să selectez miile de fotografii făcute în timpul șederii mele romane (numărul astronomic de poze se explică prin faptul că am aplicat principiul ”imortalizăm orice stă pe loc mai mult de trei secunde” :D), dar vă ofer un sneak preview al mini-vacanței mele:

Versurile melodiei sunt geniale și sintetizează perfect spiritul paradoxal al Romei. My all time favourites sunt ”In Rome, there’s always something doin’. Because in Rome, they’ve left half the place in ruins.” și ”In Rome, little boys take off like rockets, Because in Rome, they’ve just probably picked your pockets.” :))

Promit să revin foarte curând cu depănarea aventurilor romane și cu pozele aferente. Până atunci, bucurați-vă urechile cu minunatele acorduri ale canțonetei. 🙂

…iată şi versurile:

”We were sitting in the kitchen
when I realized what was missing,
It was ROMA.
We had listened for Vivaldi,
but the charge from Garibaldi said,
“To Roma!”

Well, it felt like the Ascension
as we practiced our declensions
in ROMA.
And you could hear us chattin’
in our perfect, high school Latin
in ROMA.

In Rome, there’s always something doin’.
Because in Rome, they’ve left half the place in ruins.

We saw Romulus and Remus,
though the traffic left us squeamish
in ROMA.
Lions at the Coliseum,
Christians wouldn’t want to be ’em
in ROMA.
If you don’t Fellini,
you can stomach the panini
in ROMA.
If St. Peters is too heady,
then there’s always the spaghetti
in ROMA.

In Rome, little boys take off like rockets,
Because in Rome, they’ve just probably picked your pockets.

Rome is a place of beauty.
Rome is a shopping spree, but not duty free.

We were cautioned by our mothers
all about Italian lovers
in ROMA.
But the passion and the glory
had us settle for “amore”
in ROMA.
Half a day in Sistine Chapel
and we found our Adam’s apples
in ROMA.
Then we organized a quorum
and debated at the Forum
in ROMA.

In ROME, they don’t put their togas on,
Because in Rome, gods don’t leave their Pantheon.

Yes, Rome, is a city come and gone…”