“Tonight, we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to. That is the story of our history, whether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our people, or the struggle for equality for all our citizens; our commitment to stand up for our values abroad, and our sacrifices to make the world a safer place. Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are.”
Cei de la New York Times au spus initial ca ar fi vorba despre o transmisiune in direct din Washington a directorului CIA, Leon E. Panetta, care le-ar fi prezentat oficialilor situatia din Pakistan. Pe de alta parte, nu e gasca asta de oameni suficient de importanta incat Panetta sa-si miste fundul din biroul sau de pe malul celalalt al Potomacului si sa le prezinte informatiile fata in fata? Si cat de emotionanta poate fi relatarea lui astfel incat sa trezeasca o astfel de reactie la Hillary Clinton?
Cea de-a doua teorie vehiculata, si anume ca cei din Situation Room urmaresc live atacul asupra lui Osama bin Laden si asasinarea lui (datorita unei camere video miniaturale montate pe casca unuia dintre soldatii americani), pare mult mai credibila.
Pe blogul Steam Thing, Caleb Crain a facut o analiza excelenta a expresiilor faciale ale celor din incapere, insotita de niste comentarii extrem de pertinente si, in plus, umane, despre asasinarea lui Osama.
Incheierea articolului, pe care, inca o data, vi-l recomand, sintetizeaza perfect punctul meu de vedere asupra situatiei:
“A killing is not comparable to the Apollo space program or the War on Poverty. It is not a moral achievement, let alone a technological one. If the Navy Seals had brought Bin Laden to the United States and we had then put him on trial, that would have been a moral achievement. But a nation need not be a democracy in order to kill its enemies. Revenge is not special. We can take it no matter who we are, and no matter who we become.”
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