Dear 2007,
Where have you gone? I tried to search you on the 31st, at , among all those people and all that fuss, but it seems you ran away. I guess your evil twin, 2008, took your place. But don’t worry little friend, I’m going to sabotage him. There will be no one to take your place in my heart, 2007, no one, I swear.
Miss you already, 2007. I know now that I took you for granted, could you ever forgive me? The time I spent with you was the best in my life. We did so many things for the first time when we were together: first flight, first job, first pet, first article in a newspaper, first resignation, first contact lenses, first hair dye, first article in a magazine, first second date, first script, first laptop bought out of my own money, first…well half a dozen other firsts.
Now I know that I should find a place for 2008 in my heart, just as I did for you, but will it ever be the same? 2008 brings along an uninvited friend, the unwanted 22, which honestly, I’d rather skip. As you know, I literally adored 21, he was so joyfull, so amazing, so full of new plans and ideas. As for the unwanted 22, it’s like I’d be 60 or something; I’ll start buying a rocking chair and wool to knit – the unwanted 22 seems like a good age to retire.
I do trust you, 2007. When you left, you promised 2008 will be just as good a friend to me as you were, just as full of firsts and of crazy plans.
I just hope I won’t end up like James Blunt in his “1973” video, wandering empty streets, having flashbacks of how happy I was in 2007. Actually, it would be so typical of me. 🙂
Yours nostalgically always truthful and loving,
15 Comentarii
Hey there, far-gone one! 🙂 We missed you!
Congrats on the uber great 2007! I wish you an even better 2008.
“The best is yet to come!”
Welcome back!
Happy new year, Inaaaa! >:DThe unwanted 22 will soon turn into the much-coveted 23, best age of any girl’s life :p
Enjoy all the “firsts” [and every second :)] of 2008 and keep blogging.
Hugz from Smilla!
Gabriela L.
Now really… you’re making me feel old. The unwanted 22 is not that bad and you can think of it as a first for many other things. Anyway, Happy New Year!
Iata ca si 2008 ti-a adus primul post… si sunt convinsa ca o sa primesti alte sute de lucruri bune!!!
Bine ai revenit Ina!
me, far-gone? don’t know what you are talkin’ about 😀
PS: thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx 🙂
will impaciently wait for 23, then 🙂
you are not old! in fact, you are a step ahead of me to the “much-coveted 23, best age of any girl’s life” 😀
atunci ma pun pe asteptat sutele de lucruri bune. 🙂
PS: am citit lucruri triste la tine pe blog. sufletul tau e bine?
Ina, sufletul meu apreciaza ca iti faci griji pentru el 🙂
Din pacate, viata nu e asa cum vrem si eu am ajuns la o concluzie trista…
Ai grija de tine!
Cand aveam 21 ascultam mereu Ace of Base – Always 21. Pacat ca nu e cate o melodie marfa pentru fiecare varsta.
ce idee geniala! 🙂 ar fi fain sa asociezi o varsta cu un sunet sau o melodie, chiar daca nu ar avea in titlu cifra respectiva, la fel cum asociezi Craciunul cu colindele, sau 1 decembrie cu imnul.
hm…mi-ai dat o idee 😉
:)) where did u mastered that english? seriously.
postul asta, mai ales partea cu “the unwanted 22”, mi-aduce aminte de ce am scris eu asta:–?cq=1&p=97
(in special motivul nr. 2 :))
din pacate nu pot accesa linkul pe care mi l-ai trimis. o sa te cred pe cuvant. 🙂
scuze, cam asta era lista pentru “10 situatiicare iti arata ca ai imbatranit”:
1. primesti cadouri gen tensiometru sau termometru si, mai mult, chiar le consideri utile;
2. oameni cu mai putini ani ca tine se plang ca au imbatranit ;
3. copiii pe strada iti zic nenea sau sarumana (brrrr) …
4. lumea se uita surprinsa la tine cand iti zici varsta si spun « eram sigur(a) ca ai mai mult ! »
5. ai momente in care zici « totusi, parca nu eram chiar asa la varsta lor ! »
6. iesitul din casa duminica la ora 9 seara ti se pare un mare eveniment care iti strica programul tau obisnuit
7. discutiile cu prietenii sunt despre copii, casatorie sau construiri de case
8. nu ai auzit de mai mult de jumatate din noile formatii aparute
9. te gandesti sa cumperi diverse obiecte de mobila
10. un doctor de familie e absolut necesar.
razi tu razi, dar mie 5, 6, 9 si 10 mi se potrivesc manusa 🙂
rad, dar nu e rasul meu deloc. nu de alta, da mie la 27 mi se potrivesc toate 10, altfel nu le scriam 🙂